Kurse & Veranstaltungen
Weitere Kurse und Workshops
Being more relaxed in uni-life with mindfulness and self-compassion
How does stress manifest in your body and mind? How do you care for yourself during times of stress? Do you ever feel isolated when facing stress in university life? In this four-week course, you'll have the opportunity to explore these questions through mindfulness and self-compassion. In our small online group, you'll discover that experiencing stress is a normal part of being human. Instead of battling these stressful feelings, which often adds more stress, I encourage you to experiment with mindfulness and self-compassion practices. During our time together, I'll present a variety of tools and strategies, empowering you to discover which resonate best with you and your lifestyle.
This course is tailored for international students but is open to all students who are comfortable participating in English.
We'll gather online for one hour each week in a small group, consisting of five to a maximum of fifteen participants. Attendance at the first online session is mandatory to enroll in the course. Please log in five minutes early and ensure you are in a quiet environment with a working microphone and camera.
Kindly make sure that you can attend regularly to get the most out of this course.
Furthermore, I'll provide supplementary materials through an online platform. Here, you'll find a brief summary of the previous session and suggestions for activities such as mindful eating rituals or meditations to try between sessions.
Data protection info: For statistical and internal formal reasons, we need you to provide some personal information when you apply to the course. This includes your university, degree program/field of study, subject semester, overall semester, date of birth, and nationality. Additionally, we require you to sign our data protection information document, which can be found at here. As stated in the document, all information is confidential and remains within the psychological counselling centre.
Dates August Course | August 14th | August 21st | August 28th | September 4th |
Dates September Course | September 11th | September 18th | September 25th | October 2nd |
Dates November Course | November 6th | November 13th | November 20th | November 27th |
Time | 2 – 3 p.m. |
Place | Online |
Number of participants | 5 – 15 |
Course leader | Dr. Sybille Hüfner (MSC Trained Teacher, course instructor) |
Registration | Please contact Sybille Hüfner (s.huefner@stw-on.de) |
Workshop Stressbewältigung
In diesem vierteiligen Workshop erweiterst du deine Kompetenzen im Umgang mit Stress auf vielfältige Art und Weise. Du wirst die Entstehung von Stress besser verstehen und stellst effektive und langfristige Methoden zusammen, die dir helfen, mit Stress gelassener und gesünder umzugehen.
Vor dem Start findet ein kurzes Vorgespräch statt. Wir besprechen, was dich an den einzelnen Terminen erwartet und was du als deinen größten Stressfaktor empfindest. Außerdem hast du die Möglichkeit, offene Fragen zu klären.
Zu Beginn des Workshops erhältst du einige grundlegende Infos zum Thema Stress und setzt dich mit deinen persönlichen Stressauslösern und Stressreaktionen auseinander. Wir stellen unterschiedlichste Möglichkeiten zur Stressbewältigung zusammen. Besondere Schwerpunkte sind das mentale Stressmanagement, Zeit- und Selbstmanagement sowie Erholung und Entspannung. Abschließend besprechen wir, wie du neues Verhalten langfristig in den Alltag integrieren kannst.
Teilnehmen können Studierende aller Fachrichtungen.
Termin | immer freitags (23.08., 30.08.,13.09.,20.09.2024), 9.00 – 12.00 Uhr |
Ort | online via BigBlueButton |
Anmeldung | ab sofort bei Anne Scholz, um einen Termin für das Vorgespräch zu vereinbaren: a.scholz@stw-on.de |