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Good to know

Good to know

Why should I move in with the Student Services?

If you conclude a lease with the Student Services, you’ll know the costs right from the beginning. Above all, you don’t have to worry about receiving flabbergasting bills later on – our rents are all-inclusive
With us, you don’t have to make contracts with a power and gas provider – in almost all dormitories these costs are already included in the rents.
The Internet connection is included almost everywhere. So you don’t have to worry about a suitable Internet provider that will give you the performance you want, at a good price. And also the departure runs smoothly with us, because we take over the renovation!
In short, we have no hidden costs and you don’t have to worry about anything.

Rent and operating costs

How are the rents in the dormitories of the Student Services composed?

Basically, the rent includes:

  • The basic rent,
  • an operating fee and,
  • if applicable, a surcharge

What does the term basic rent mean?

The basic rent is calculated on the basis of the Zweite Berechnungsverordnung (II. BV), § 20 NMV 1970, Second Calculation Regulation) and takes into account different factors, such as: administrative expenses and amortisations, maintenance costs and cosmetic repairs.
A significant part of the basic rent is the capital costs. These are costs incurred for the purchase, construction or modernization of dormitories. The capital costs are summarized for all locations and allocated equally to the dormitories. In this way, we achieve that dormitories built before 1995, for which there were still subsidies for their construction, contribute to the financing of dormitories built or renovated at a later date.
Depending on the location, condition and equipment of the rooms, at the end a surcharge or discount will be calculated. Furthermore, we will take into account the regular rent losses caused by the above-average fluctuation and the associated necessary renovation.

What are operating costs?

Amongst others, the operating costs include the costs for heating, electricity and water as well as for Internet access, waste disposal, cleaning services, winter maintenance and the care of the outdoor facilities. Various insurance policies and property tax are also comprised. Even a household insurance for your room is already included.

And because the operating costs are paid on a flat-rate basis, you don’t have to worry about receiving an additional charge at the end of the year. Only those have to pay extra costs, who cause damage or don’t meet obligations arising from the house rules, e.g. by not contributing to the cleanliness of the shared kitchens and corridors.

Which surcharges may apply?

A surcharge is e.g. calculated when the room or apartment is rented with furniture. If you decide on a contract that has a different time limit than the end of the semester, the additional expenses are also taken into account (see: Which rental contract models are there?).

Example figures for a room in a shared flat (size: 13,75 m²):

  • Basic rent: 134 €
  • Operating costs (flat charge): 112 €
  • Furnishing: 25 €
  • → 271 €


Who is entitled to live with us?

Students in the area of ​​responsibility of the Student Services OstNiedersachsen have a residence entitlement. If space is available, we will also accept students from other universities who prove the purpose of their (temporary) stay (internship, work shadowing).

For how long?

For short-term rentals, the minimum rental period is one month. There is a general rental limit of a maximum of five years. We accept guests or interns for a maximum of one semester, if capacities are available. The students of our universities always have priority.

When should I apply?

You can make a reservation request early because you only have to prove your enrolment or admission (place of study) when the rental contract is finally concluded. The reservation is free and not legally binding. Obligations for you arise only when you accept our housing offer.

How can I apply?

You can make an application for the reservation of a dormitory place online on our dormitory portal.

We include your reservation request in our reservation list and offer vacant rooms in the order of this list. You should react to our offer as soon as possible – otherwise we have to assume that you are no longer interested in making a reservation and assign the room to another student.

Where can I get more information?

You’ll receive further Information via phone, in writing or by e-mail at our housing department. Contact details can be found on the "Housing" pages of your study location. Important: Please mention your university location with all written inquiries, because we are responsible for many different sites.

Are there waiting times?

Yes. These times are usually very long at the beginning of the semester.

Housing options, contractual models and equipment

Which housing options are offered?

There are very different forms of living in our residential complexes:

  • Single room (mostly with sink) in large units with shared kitchens and sanitary facilities
  • Single rooms in residential groups (shared flats) for two to seven residents with kitchen and bathroom – some with second / separate toilet
  • Single apartments with own kitchenette and bath / shower and toilet
  • Double apartments (two rooms) with own (small) kitchen and bath / shower and toilet – perfect for befriended people / couples
  • (Small) apartments – mostly for families

Which rental models are there?

Basically, you have the choice between two different models:

  • Rental contract for more than12 months
    This type of contract has a fixed run-time and ends automatically when it expires. You specify the desired run-time in your application. You can also terminate the contract with 2 months' notice to the end of the semester (30 June/31 July for the summer semester or 31 December/31 January, depending on the semester periods at your university).
  • Rental contract for less than 12 months
    This contract also ends automatically at the end of the specified term. Early cancellation is not possible. We charge an additional one-off fee of €50 for this type of contract.

Which equipment can I expect?

Detailed information can be found on the page of the respective dormitory
Often, the rooms are furnished and there are washing machine- and dryer rooms as well as telephone (preparation) and cable / satellite connection. Most dormitories have common / party rooms and bicycle parking.
So far, Internet cabling only exists if explicitly mentioned. But we are definitely striving to implement further cabling.

What kind of furniture is in a furnished room?

Usually there’ll be a bed, a cupboard, a table, a chair and a shelf. In some rooms an armchair is added. Dishes, bedding and the like you’ll have to bring yourself – or you’ll book one of our starter packages!

Are there special offers for students with disabilities or special requirements?

The Student Services has a number of barrier-free places on offer. There are certainly not enough for all needs. However, we make every effort to find individual solutions. If you are interested in a place that meets special requirements, please contact our residence management.

Useful hints


If you have been admitted, this doesn’t mean that you’ll automatically have a room in a dormitory. For this you have to apply separately. Since the waiting times are usually very high at the beginning of the semester, you should apply for a place in good time.
The application for a place in the waiting list is not binding. You also don’t have to be enrolled at a university to get on the waiting list. Only when you are contacted and respond to this offer, the lease is binding. Please note that you’ll be contacted along with other people and that only those who answer the fastest will be accepted. In any case, if you don’t respond to an offer, your place on the waiting list will be forfeited. So tell us in any case, whether you want to stay on the waiting list and give us your new desired date of moving in, if necessary.


The nearest major airport is in Hannover. You can plan your onward journey to your respective university location and dormitory using the train or, within Lower Saxony, with the EFA planen – portal – all bus connections are listed there, too.

If you need to drop off items at short notice, you can use the lockers available at most stations. However, these are not always free of charge. If you arrive without a firm commitment to a room, you’ll need to look for a hotel or bed in a youth hostel. In rare cases, the Student Services also has a room available at short notice. Contact the service office at your place of study accordingly.

Moving in

For moving in, you have to arrange an appointment directly with the service assistant. The respective contact details can be found on the page of the dormitory.
When moving in, you fill in a report with the service assistant in which any defects are noted. In your own interest, you should make sure that the report is filled correctly and all major damage (to the furniture, etc.) is recorded. You may otherwise be required to pay for these damages when moving out.

Living at the dormitory

The most important rules and advice on living in the dormitory can be found in the house rules, which are part of the rental conditions. Please note, first of all, that you are not allowed to let other people live with you. Any violation means termination without notice!

For most of the questions concerning the life in the dormitory, the service staff are responsible. Only if you have questions about your rental agreement, you should clarify this directly with the respective clerk.

Please do also note that your lease runs for a limited time only. Pay attention to your respective contract model and take care of a new contract in good time (i.e. at least two months before the end of the lease). In advance, you should already inquire whether this is possible at all.

Moving out

In case of expiration of your lease by the written termination or the end date specified in the lease: please contact the service assistant in time (at least two weeks before moving out) in order to arrange an inspection date. In your own interest, you should make sure that the report was correctly filled in both when moving in and moving out. As soon as you sign the report, you acknowledge it and it becomes legally binding.

Your room must be handed back in a swept-clean state. Under certain circumstances, the service assistants will carry out a preliminary inspection. They will tell you where you have to improve before the final handover. If you leave the room untidy, you will be responsible for any costs of cleaning.

Your deposit will be transferred to the account specified by you no earlier than six weeks after the end of the contract. If we notice any damage to the room caused by you, all repair measures may be deducted from the deposit.