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Portal for residents

Portal for residents

  • Estebrügger Straße 31 a – e, 21614 Buxtehude

Everything you need to know about living in the Estebrügger Straße dormitory!

Dormitory ABC

  • Accommodation confirmation: See registration office
  • Airing: 3 times a day for a few minutes with the window wide open
  • Bicycle parking spaces: Bicycles can be parked in the bicycle rack between houses C and D, in the bicycle racks on the parking lot as well as in the basement of Estebrügger Straße 31 a. You can access the basement with your room keys. It is prohibited to park bicycles in the hallways, stairwells and in front of the houses.
  • Broadcasting fees: More information at www.rundfunkbeitrag.de 
  • Certificate of enrolment: Please present your valid certificate of enrolment to the service assistant at the beginning of each semester. It can be uploaded via the portal.
  • Cleaning: Common rooms, bathrooms and halls are only cleaned once a week for support (more information). The tenants have to clean the rooms independently after soiling or use, respectively.
  • Cleaning of the hob: Please clean the hob and the oven properly after use.
  • Clerk: Responsible for all matters relating to the rental contract
  • Damage report: You can file a damage report via the portal.
  • Deposit repayment: approx. 6 weeks after the termination of the rental contract
  • Doorbell labelling: Performed by the service assistant when you move in, also for subtenants
  • Drain: Please don't pour any food waste or grease down the drain.
  • Dryer: See washing machines / dryers
  • Duration of residence: Currently limited to a maximum of 5 years
  • Emergency exits / escape routes: It is essential to keep escape routes clear! Please observe the according signs. It is prohibited to place bulky objects or furniture in the hallways.
  • Energy costs: Please switch off the light when leaving the room. Also turn off the heater if the window is open.
  • Fan in the bathroom: Filters are regularly changed by employees of the Student Services.
  • Fire alarm: See smoke detector
  • Fire extinguishers: Located in the stairwells. In the case of negligent use, additional costs will arise for the residents responsible.
  • Fire safety regulations: You can find the current fire safety regulations here.
  • Furniture: The existing furniture mustn’t be swapped out.
  • GEZ: See broadcasting fees
  • Heating / thermostat: Night setback of the heating takes place between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.
  • House rules: Please observe the house rules in the dormitory. You can find these in the rental terms in the download area.
  • Installed facilities: Tenants must not dismantle, loosen or manipulate permanently installed facilities (sanitary facilities, electrical systems, general technical or structural systems, especially shower drains) in the apartments and dormitories in any way. Damage caused by non-compliance will be billed to the perpetrators. If you discover problems with technical systems, please contact the responsible service assistant immediately.
  • Internet: The whole dormitory is equipped with wireless LAN. You receive the login details when moving in. Connect to the network "stwon-wh-gast" and follow the instructions there. In case of problems, please contact: Phone (0531) 391 - 4971 or wh-support@stw-onde (Mon – Fri 7.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.) You can find the user agreement in the download area.
  • Letterbox(labelling):Performed by the service assistant when you move in. Please also contact the service assistant if you are a subtenant.
  • Liability insurance: Included with the conclusion of the rental contract (more information in the download area)
  • Loss of keys: Contact the locksmith.
  • Mobile phone number: Please give your current mobile phone number to the service assistant.
  • Moving: Moving or exchanging is possible for a fee of 50 €. If you wish to move within the dormitories, please apply again and contact the responsible clerk. You can also submit an exchange application via the portal.
  • Moving in: When you take over your room/apartment, please check whether there are any defects or other complaints. You must report those no later than the third working day after the take-over (moving-in report). If you don't, the living space is deemed as properly accepted.
  • Moving out: Make an appointment with the service assistant 14 days before moving out
  • Online damage report: See defect report
  • Parking: Is available free of charge in front of the dormitory.
  • Pets: Not allowed in the dormitory
  • Post (delivery): There is a letterbox for each apartment. Please be sure to provide the room number in the address!
  • Pre­‐acceptance:You have to make an appointment with the service assistant for the pre-­acceptance within 3 days after submitting your cancellation. The current condition of the room is recorded for the purpose of any renovation after moving out.
  • Quiet times: Can be found in the house rules (more information: See house rules)
  • Registration office / citizens' office: Register at Buxtehuder Bürgerbüro (citizens' office) within 14 days after moving in with the accommodation confirmation that you receive from the service assistant when you move in.
  • Residence: See registration office
  • Residence entitlement: Every student is entitled who is enrolled at the universities in our area of responsibility.
  • Room exchange: See moving
  • Room temperature: Please ensure that the room temperature is constant. Don’t let the room cool down for a longer period.
  • Security: Please close doors and windows when leaving the room/apartment
  • Service assistant: Responsible for moving in and moving out, handing over of the keys and everything related to life in the dormitory
  • Shared kitchens/bathrooms: Must be left clean after each use
  • Shower/ ilicone: Please wipe the shower with a dry cloth after each use to prevent mould formation
  • Smoke detectors: Available. Never open or manipulate the device yourself! Maintenance is performed by the company Minol. Please report defective smoke detectors directly to Minol: Phone (0711) 94 91 19 99.
  • Smoking: Prohibited in all halls and common rooms!
  • Storage rooms: Available. If there is free capacity, only intended for small items belonging to the residents of the dormitory
  • Student ID:The electronic student ID is needed to use the washers and dryers in the dormitory.
  • Subletting: Possible under certain conditions. You will receive the sublease agreement from your responsible clerk.
  • Tableware: NOT included. All tenants are responsible for dishes themselves.
  • Termination: In the case of the semester contract, termination is possible with a notice period of two months to the end of the semester (more information in the rental contract). The yearly contract can't be terminated in advance.
  • TV: A TV socket is available in every room. The dormitory has satellite TV. Digital Radio and TV programs
  • Voltage: 220 V
  • Washer/dryer: The laundry room is located in the basement of Estebrügger Str. 31 a. You have access with your room key. These devices provided by the company Schneidereit have an automatic detergent feed and are available to you for free. Please do NOT add any detergent, this would lead to excessive foam formation. For more information, please refer to the posted information sheets. Please do NOT dry your laundry in the room, apartment or hall!
  • Waste/-­separation: Please separate waste and dispose of it properly on a regular basis. The waste bin site needs to be kept clean. Items or garbage bags may not be placed next to the bins. At the dormitory, waste bins are available for the following types of waste:
    • Residual waste = one black and one green garbage container
    • Recycling = two garbage containers (yellow with black lid)
    • Paper / cardboard = black bin
    • Bulky waste: needs to be disposed of indivivually. The waste disposal site "Abfallzentrum Buxtehude-Ardestorf" is located in 21629 Neu Wulmstorf, around 15 min. away. More information: www.landkreis-Stade.de.
    • Glass: Public containers are located close to the dormitory
      What belongs in which bin?

Emergency numbers

JanitorCompany ReBUX, Phone (04161) 55 47 84 8
8.30 a.m. – 4.00 p.m., afterwards the call will be forwarded to a mobile phone number

Fire brigade

Police department BuxtehudePhone (0 41 61) 64 70
Rescue directing centre19 222
Medical on-call duty

116 117

Poison control centre(0551) 192 40

Cleaning of common rooms

In the 4-­person shared flats, the common rooms are cleaned supportively once a week (see kitchen door for dates). For each cleaning appointment, the tenants must prepare the following:

  • In the kitchen, please clear the cupboard surfaces, the stove, the sink, the table, the windowsill and the floor.
  • Please clear all storage areas and the floor in the shower room / toilet.
  • Please clear the floor in the hall as far as possible.

Despite the weekly cleaning, we expect all tenants to leave the common rooms in a tidy, neat condition after use. The hob and the oven must be left clean after each use. Please also read our rental conditions point 10.

Please make sure not to hinder the cleaning staff in their work and support them with the appropriate preparations ­‐ it also serves your own well­‐being!