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2G-Bereiche in der Mensa 2 und in Clausthal

Ab dem 15.11. (Mensa 2) und dem 16.11. (Clausthal) gibt es in zwei weiteren Mensen wieder die Möglichkeit, vor Ort im Speisesaal zu essen.

"2G" areas will be set up in both dining halls. This means: Those who are vaccinated or have recovered and are registered in our web app can eat in the dining hall. All other guests can still pick up their food to-go, even without registering.

"2G" means that only guests who have been vaccinated with an EU-approved vaccine or have recovered from a covid infection can access the dining room. To prove your "2G" status, you must register before entering the dining hall: Visit the web app https://checkin.stw-on.de/ with your smartphone, scan your EU vaccination or recovery certificate and follow the instructions in the app. It is also possible to upload a screenshot of the certificate from the Luca or Corona-Warn app. Please register in the web app before heading to the refectory - this will speed up the entry process. You will not be allowed into the dining hall without registering!

In addition, we need to collect guest data (name, address, telephone number). You will need to check in every time you visit the refectory. To do this, scan the posted QR code in the Mensa with your smartphone and show the confirmation on your display. That's it!

In Clausthal, we have been closely monitoring the situation in the canteen over the past few weeks. Economically, it still does not make sense for us to open. We assume that we will lose money onr every meal. But of course we also see our social mission. Due to the weather conditions, the lack of places to stay on campus and the continuing stressful situation for many students, we have decided to open the dining hall anyway.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you back to the dining hall - one more step back to normality.